
NetbaseQuid, Social Analytics Company

NetbaseQuid is a social analytics company that helps you see the full picture of what’s happening on social media. They give you insights into your and your competitors’ performance; they help with influencer identification and provide powerful tools for measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Their customers use our platform to understand better what’s happening in their space and make better business decisions. Here are some of the services offered by NetbaseQuid.

1. Social Media Listening

They help users understand the conversations happening around a given brand or topic. They listen, identify and catalog conversations around the internet. Then they package these insights and make them easier to consume by delivering them in various forms. Social media audit usually begins with listening. They also listen to social media audit conversations and tell what is being talked about and who is talking about it.

2. Social Media Monitoring

This helps users monitor and track mentions of a brand or topic across multiple channels worldwide. It allows you to create alerts based on particular criteria, such as keywords, phrases, and geographical locations. These alerts are then delivered by email or text message, so you’re never out of touch with what’s been said about you -good or bad. In addition, social monitoring allows you to see which influencers and message sources are talking about your brand on social media audit and where.

3. Influencer Search

They can identify the leading people speaking about a topic or brand by exploring their online fanbases, their history of tweeting, or their influence on other people’s social media audit activity. Identifying these people with our proprietary analytics gives you a complete picture of who is talking about you in the world today. NetbaseQuid can then help you plan and execute marketing campaigns around them, so they continue to speak positively about your brand while increasing the reach of your marketing messages.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool, whether you track conversations or create your own. It’ll help you better understand what people are talking about online, who they are talking to, and where they’re talking. Using our social media marketing offering, you can better understand what works and helps your marketing efforts. 

5. Influencer Identification 

NetbaseQuid helps identify the most influential members of different key groupings of people who share a similar interest or passion for a particular topic or brand. This allows users to discover who these influencers are, making it easier for them to interact with them and put plans in place for their marketing campaigns. According to a recent study by NetbaseQuid, 97% of consumers trust recommendations made by people they know, and 62% trust them more than those made by companies.

6. Brand Metrics 

NetbaseQuid helps assess the performance of a brand. They can measure the effectiveness of messaging and marketing campaigns by analyzing the volume and impact of social media conversations around your brand over time. This will allow you to make better business decisions, both short-term and long-term. For example, through our analytics, you’ll be able to identify trends that might affect your business in the future or if you should change marketing focus areas or messages based on what your customers are saying today.

Netbase Quid is a powerful tool that can help you gain full insights into your company’s performance across different social media platforms. It allows you to monitor your presence on the internet and see what people are saying about you and your brand. This can be beneficial in many ways, as it’ll help you create better marketing campaigns, manage your brand reputation and boost sales. Additionally, it has very affordable pricing, which won’t need to break your bank account.

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